(CANCELED) Star Party / Public Outreach @ Newberry Star Park

  • 15 Aug 2015
  • 8:00 PM - 11:30 PM
  • 24880 NW 16th Ave Newberry, FL 32660


  • Members of the public, especially Newberry residents
  • Members enjoy the star party and host public visitors.

Registration is closed
AAC Members and Newberry residents invited!


OBSERVING NOTES (RASC Observers Handbook 2015)

  1. Moon will generate large tides on the 31st.
  2. Mercury and Jupiter form a tight pair setting just after the sun from the 5th through the 8th. Mercury passes within a degree of Jupiter on the 6th and 7th.
  3. Venus is in inferior conjunction with the Sun on the 15th, so is too close to the Sun to be observed until late in the month, when it appears low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
  4. Mars is in Cancer. Late in the month, Mars emerges out of the solar glare, very low in the ENE twilight.
  5. Jupiter vanishes into the evening twilight early in the month, and is in conjunction with the sun on the 26th. It is in conjunction with Mercury on the 7th and with Regulus on the 10th, but these will be very difficult to observe.
  6. Saturn is in the evening sky in Libra, setting after midnight.
  7. Uranus rises in late evening, retrograding in Pisces, and is visible the rest of the night.
  8. Neptune rises in mid-evening, retrograding in Aquarius.